You heard it from me last folks, update 1.3 “Allies” is
bringing with it the much needed
“Group finder” to us
and I must say from the small amount of time I’ve used it, it’s worked quite
well. Also the legacy system with its new
character and
legacy “perks” that are basically rewards for use with your main or lower
characters for having achieved certain milestones, which could be very useful
indeed, especially the ones that change levelling xp and speeder access. Apart
from that there was the usual small things like
social gear and some
to crew skills which bring in the new option to add augment slots to items.
Augmentation is basically a sort of different version of the ‘enchanting’ or
‘jewelcrafting’ used in other games you have an augment slot and you can put
different augments in the slot in there to better the item. This is similar to
modifications though modifications change the base stats of orange modifiable
items while augments add to all other items. Though since they just introduced
it I don’t have any augments and I never did anyway their apparently obtained
slicing so I’ve never
gotten any and never seen them apart from the freakishly expensive high level
ones on the trade network.
The Group finder, makes things much easier, especially with a declining population. |
Well where was I when we left off?, oh yes quite happily
wearing my
with my headband thingy and then for some reason I could not, and now I can
again it looks like except that on my Sith Inquisitor. What I’m babbling about
is that you may have heard me mention before that while I was questing on Nar
Shadaa I for some reason could no longer wear both my helm and my hood on at
the same time this annoyed me cause I liked that look, the other reason is I’d
rather have my hood on when wearing those thing as they look pretty silly when
you don’t, their some sort of dorky looking headband/tiara thing. But I suppose now I'm wearing some kind of star wars version of
shades yes shades or goggles, the game calls them "Rampage Assault Headgear" which makes them sound infinitely cooler than they actually are and absolutely ridiculous for what they actually look like. What's also interesting is when I look them up on
ToRHead they actually look completely different, so I'm not sure what's going on there.
Don't mess with the "'Rampage Assault" shades yo |
So anyway I was level 31 and was one Tatooine indeed yes, so
how do I sum up what’s happened?, well after finishing Tatooine and saving
Kira’s master Bela Kiwiik from
that big vibrating thingo then heading to
Alderaan to do all the
quests there and there’s some kind of family wars going on there and I have to
save my master whats-his-name from the ridiculous death mark machine seriously
whoever came up with that idea needed to think it through more. During
Alderaan I found one of
the coolest methods of transport ever, in remote places Alderaan has these
things called
which a big flying Manta-ray like creatures which look awesome and make
cool sounds, Alderaan is definitely one of the best looking planets I’ve seen
along with
Kass but I’ll get into that later.
The very Majestic Thranta through a whole new wyurld.
After Alderaan there’s fairly big Jedi Knight plot section
which I won’t go into in order not to spoil the story as of course this is
apparently the end of act 1 of you storyline (yes there are different acts) but
I will say that after what happens now it goes pretty full scale and gets kind
of boring, though I suppose there’s going to be more than two acts as the game
goes on. The story on
is reasonable I suppose, the sort of struggling resistance (Balmorrans)
resentfully accepting help from a major power (Republic) in order to fight off
their oppressors (Empire), but it’s a rather dull mucky toxic waste ridden
planet plagued by insect-like aliens.
Balmorra, not exactly the most serene place to visit |
After the first act I sort of feel like I’m starting again
except I’m higher level and the storyline seems more boring now. The stories on
each planet don’t seem to be too engaging but what can you do? It’s something
else to occupy yourself with while you’re doing your main quest.
One a better note though I got a new hoverbike, the
Gurian Hammer to be
precise which looks pretty awesome sort of like riding a jet engine with my
cape flowing behind. I was glad I moved away from the
Ubrikkian style of
hoverbike as I was going to use them for the whole game, though to be honest
despite their cost the vehicle don’t really go much faster than each other, the
first one at level 20 goes 90% faster than
running yes running not
sprinting and then it’s 100% then 110% so really not that much of a dramatic
change each time.
Yeehaw! |
This isn't me but this guy probably does a better job at explaining it
Probably almost to the end of Balmorra for some reason I decided to create an Empire alt, yes I know I’m only 40 on
my Jedi Knight and yes I know I’m making an alt before I even get to 50 on one
character but I was eager to try out the Sith side. I went a
Sith Inquisitor
which is the Sith equivalent of the
Jedi Consular,
with the advanced class I chose to go
Assassin, the shadowy double-bladed-lightsabre wielding ninja style Sith
(similar to the
Jedi Shadow)
as I wanted to be a Jedi Consular
Sage and
throw around force waves and telekinetic abilities rather than force Lightning
as the
Sorcerer does. I also picked Sith pureblood as I didn’t really want to make
another human and didn’t really fancy any of the other races, plus the Sith
purebloods look pretty cool though they have this “punish companion” social
ability in which you give your companion a pretty intense smack in the face
which is kind of sad if you ask me.
I have been told by reliable sources that this thing on my Sith Inquisitor's head is indeed a "circlet" which is at least more manly then 'tiara' |
That explains why I went the Sith Inquisitor class but the
other reason I wanted to make a Sith alt was that I wanted to be a “Good” Sith
so to speak I wanted to see what it was like when you chose the good options
even though you’re technically supposed to be evil aren’t you? I was finding it
fun at the start on Korriban picking all the
“good” and “Light Side” options that a Sith wouldn’t usually pick and feeling
good. Starting out was great, you start facing a gruff traditionalist Overseer
who does not hesitate to show their dissatisfaction that you have risen from
slavery to achieve entry to the Sith order, pitting you and you fellow hopefuls
against each other with one being particularly powerful. The whole storyline
was pretty fun and somewhat challenging especially the quest to seek out
Khem Val who will
be your first companion, he is a huge monstrous Dashade who has reluctantly
agreed to serve me since his former master had died long ago.
You lookin at me, puny Sith? |
Unfortunately once I had Khem Val with me I noticed that I
was going to have to change around my “nicey” responses. I should explain that
to gain “affection” (heh) with your companion you can both give them gifts and
interact with NPC’s during missions the way they prefer, for example some
companions may frown upon killing innocents while other companions may approve
as to them you are disposing of the weak and useless. I soon found that Khem
Val’s likes and dislikes weren’t exactly in sync with my “friendly and
compassionate Sith” character I had going for example he likes making foolish
people unhappy, of which I really don’t do I tend to take pity on them and
dislikes: Weakness in any form and not killing Force users, so technically most
of the responses I would usually take would mean I would lose rapport with him
(-1, 15 or even 30 affection for example), so I am forced to be a mean
and somewhat cocky bastard most of the time and I’m constantly losing affection
points for him because I always choose the light side options, cause I’m a good
guy, you know? even if I am Sith. This will change though once I get the next
Zavros on Taris who by the looks of her likes/dislikes will be much easier
to please, plus she’s a DPS character with strength+endurance as primary stats
so should be a-ok to quest with, speaking of which, who
doesn’t have
endurance listed as their primary stat? seems like every class does. I suppose I'll at least have to try being bad with another character.
He probably does too (note: you can change his skin colour with appearance modifications) |
Also I (or I got my companion to rather) started doing the
Crafting skill
(Artification, Artificing however you say it) which is the creation of Jedi and
Sith artifacts which include things like lightsabre and armor upgrades and new
shields, offhand items and colour crystals. It was during this time that I
found that you could send mail and resources
between the two allegiances.
So for example I could use my Republic side characters to aid my Empire alts
with items and crafting skills and vice-versa. This was one of the biggest if
not the biggest difference from WoW that SWTOR has, it seems now that I no
longer have the problem of having one crafting skill but not the other on
either side, could you imagine this in WoW? I’d be going crazy organising
resources. Though this leads to a different issue which I swear I don’t know
what I’m going to do about because without an
Altoholic style mod for
the game, I might even go crazier trying to work out what each friggin
character has , I don’t know it’s just going to be difficult unless Bioware
miraculously allow modding and someone makes an Altoholic clone for SWTOR in
enough time but I doubt it. I’ve been ok so far recently I had to take
screenshots of
every piece of armor
me and my companion had in order for me to view on my Jedi Knight and make
appropriate armor replacements and managed to juggle the resources fine, so
it’s works relatively ok
for now.
The Artification screen |
So anyway I’ve now finished the Imperial home planet of
Dromund Kass and had quite a good time upgrading all my
gear using my commendations,it turns out that the stuff is still better then
what I make unless I happen to be lucky enough to be able to make a blue item.
My main storyline there ended with me obtaining yet another artifact and having
a pleasant conversation with a ghost of a Sith Lord who said we were related at
some point, I really don’t know what all of that meant but having the artifact
meant a lot to my master Darth Zash. She gave me my own
and instructed me to go to either
Nar Shadaa to get more
artifacts for this Sith thingemajigg, honestly I don’t really pay much
attention to names anymore as there’s areas of the many storylines in SWTOR
that are pretty much just “something, something Sith artifact/lord…” I guess
I’m just going to do the same thing and do both planets even if I’m too low for
them and I end up getting grey quests, I suppose I could skip the bonus serious
but I wouldn’t want to do that unless I’d already done it for a planet before. My first instance of space combat on this
character was fine, compared to the first time. I’m getting more comfortable
now as I actually worked out that in order to complete the escort missions
easily you just shot whatever was shooting the transport ship with no regard
for your own safety as you don’t need to cause there’s no-one shooting you.
I like this picture of me looking at the Holocron at the top of the hill on Dromund kass |
Inside the Sith Temple on Dromund Kass |
Once I got my Inquisitor to level 20 I decided I’d stop
there as the next planet I was up to is Balmorra and that was the same one I
was currently playing on my Jedi Knight, funnily enough when I stopped my Jedi
I’d just done a large group quest in Sobrik, the Imperial HQ of Balmorra. I
then found out that it’s the same place where you start out as an Imperial, on
a kind of lower level too so in theory there would have been Empire players around.
That’s if there were enough players around at all, SWTOR has unfortunately been
losing population ever since its release and only with the brilliant
initiative by
Bioware to allow newcomers to play for free up to level 15 that the servers
have come back up to healthy level again though as you can see this hasn’t had
the same effect with Asia-Pacific but the servers do remain at a standard level
playerbase remains. I do admit I sometimes find it hard to find groups of people
to do heroic-level missions with that require 4 people, but usually there is
enough people around to help and the new group finder makes doing flashpoints
less of a hassle for finding the right classes.
The US server stats have been in a steady decline since the release but have shot back up to record numbers due to the new free to play up to 15 feature. |
The Asia/Pacific servers haven't got that particular feature yet but are sill going steady, mainly do to the fact that there is only 3 of them while the US has about 40 |
I’m now back on my guardian and kicking ass, I need to
finish Balmorra and get on to the next part of the story though I’ve got to
take the supplies to Kira’s people on Nar Shadaa first, I must admit I’m a bit
too friendly towards other players often helping them and not getting my own
stuff done, oh well there’s always next time to let them down heh.
I’ve been unable to hold back the urge and have started
playing Skyrim again, this time as a Thief so basically I’m immersed again and
can’t really stop I’ve got to at least to try and play a bit of SWTOR for the
remainder of the pay period as the end of this month heralds a new Minecraft
Till next planet or universe…
I don't want to be bad, yet
Additional medieval jewelery and historical headwear research provided by Jess.W
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